"Le Substrat Amazigh de la Culture Marocaine"
Dir. Moha EnnajiThe fundamental objective of this book is to discuss common mechanisms that take into account the different cultural components in Morocco so as to consolidate the development and opening process in this country. The aim is also to discuss ways in which an integrated approach to cultural diversity, an approach that emphasizes the human and social dimension and operates a close correlation between culture and sustainable development, because at the heart of the question of culture there is a human and socio-economic dimension. The topics discussed in this book are:
- The history and heritage of Amazigh
- Amazigh and social integration
- Amazigh, a fundamental component of the Moroccan culture
- The Amazigh language, standardization, and dialectology
- The teaching of the Amazigh language: achievements and prospects
- The impact of the Amazigh language on the Arabic dialect
- Amazigh literature
"La Culture Amazighe et le Développement Humain"
Dir. Moha EnnajiEdited by Professor Moha ENNAJI, this 158-page book includes a series of chapters in Arabic and French as a tribute to the Honourable Dr. Leila Mezian Benjelloun for her outstanding contribution to the promotion of Amazigh culture. French, Algerian, Belgian, Dutch, and Moroccan researchers participated in this selection. The chapters explore various aspects of the Amazigh language and culture and their role in the perspective of human development. The contributions deal with the linguistic and literary phenomena in four main areas: language, oral literature, cultural identity and the contribution of the Amazigh culture in human development. In addition to the Moroccan personalities (Abdelhak Lemrini, Habib El Malki, Mahjoubi Aherdane, Mohamed Kabbaj, Fatima Mernissi, Ahmed Boukous, Moha Ennaji, Fatima Sadiqi, Brahim Akhyat, Ali Fertahi), foreign researchers (Mena Lefkioui, Vermondo Brugnatelli, Didier le Saout, Amar Amziane) have participated in this book. The fundamental objective of this group is to discuss common mechanisms that take into account the different cultural components of Morocco in order to consolidate the development and opening process in this country.
"La Culture Populaire et les Defis de la Mondialisation : Une Perspective Maghrebine"
Dir. Moha Ennajiréparé par le professeur Moha Ennaji, ce collectif de 166 pages vient d’être publié par l’Institut Royal de la Culture Amazighe. Il comprend un ensemble d’articles motivés par l’intérêt grandissant pour les études de la culture populaire face à la mondialisation.
Les articles traitent de questions liées à l'oralité, notamment la poésie, la chanson, le raï, le conte, le cinéma, les langues, etc. Le but essentiel de ce collectif est de poser la problématique du rapport entre la culure populaire et la culure savante et de soulever des questions relatives aux cultures populaires au Maghreb et leur impact sur les domaines sociaux, politiques, et éducatifs.
Le collectif est également une occasion de présenter des potentialités créatives qui ont marqué et qui continuent de marquer de leur empreinte la culture maghrébine en général et la culture amazighe en particulier. C’est dans cette perspective que le collectif rend un vibrant hommage au grand peintre, poète et écrivain nationaliste M. Mahjoubi Aherdan pour toutes ses contributions à l’art et à la culture amazighs.
Ainsi, Fatema Mernissi a dressé un portrait artistique de M Mahjoubi Aherdan, l’homme politique et l’artiste qui exprime librement ses émotions et ses pensées, san obéir à aucune censure. Pour Mernissi, Aherdane constitue un modèle a suivre par les jeunes à cause de sa confiance en soi et sa capacité extraordinaire de créativité.
Par ailleurs, Moha Ennaji a indiqué que le Maroc a pour la première fois dans son histoire reconnu officiellement sa dimension amazighe. Depuis la création de l’Institut Royal de la Culture Amazighe, la langue amazighe ne sera plus limitée aux confins du foyer, des amis intimes, et aux régions rurales surtout après son introduction dans le système éducatif.
"Le Brassage de la Culture Amazighe et de la Culture Arabe"
Dir. Moha EnnajiEdited by Professor Moha Ennaji, this volume of 306 pages has been published by the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture at Rabat (Morocco). It includes a set of articles motivated by the increasing interest for studies of cultural identities.
One of the main objectives of this volume is to discuss an integrated approach to the role of cultural patterns in the consolidation of modernity and democracy, an approach that emphasizes human and social dimension, because human and socio-economic development is at the heart of the question of culture. This book also opens new avenues for reflection and other opportunities to move to another phase of the debate on cultural difference and its link to democratic politics of social justice.
The articles focus on the social, economic, cultural, and political aspects of the Amazigh (Berber) and Arab cultures, and interrogate the theoretical, methodological, and practical dimensions of cultural interchange.
The volume includes discussion and analysis of issues relating to history, literature, anthropology, modernity, and cultural diversity and their role in the development and consolidation of social cohesion in North Africa.
"Multiculturalism and Democracy in the Islamic World"
Edited by Moha EnnajiOne of the main objectives of this edited book is to discuss ways to integrate multiculturalism in development and the consolidation of democracy, an integrative approach that emphasizes human and social dimension, because at the heart of the matter of culture is a human and socio-economic dimension.
The book aims to open new avenues of thought and other prospects to move to another phase of the debate on di versity that would link policy based on cultural difference to democratic culture and to social justice.
The aim is also to deepen knowledge about the culture of Islam and its intersections with the West, and to contribute to the dialogue of civilizations and to the recognition of the contribution of Islam and Muslims to democracy and peace in the world.
he authors debate themes such as democracy, diversity, secularism, and Islam which integrate the social, economic, cultural, and political aspects of multiculturalism and interrogate the theories, methods and practices of multiculturalism and democracy. -
"Migration and Hybridity: The Europe - Maghreb Paradigm"
Edited by Moha EnnajiThis book titled "Migration and Hybridity: The Europe - Maghreb Paradigm", discusses the current cultural situation on the basis of differences characterizing the cultures of the region, and political and cultural diversity in the Maghreb countries and the European Union. It also aims at offering alternatives in terms of developing and deepening intercultural dialogue, consolidating values of tolerance and communication between the Maghreb and Europe.
The book shows that the Maghreb, particularly Morocco, with an ancestral tradition of diversity (cultural, linguistic, ethnic and religious) and who was always a privileged crossroad of civilizations, can contribute fundamentally in the rapprochement of the peoples of the region.
The contributors to this edited book discuss certain postcolonial international theories on hybridity. They will offer a rereading of fundamental cultures of the Maghreb, namely, Arab, Amazigh, Jewish, Christian, Andalusian cultures, Spanish, and French cultures regarding their relations with Europe. -
"The Amazigh Language in Education and Media"
Edited by Moha EnnajiThis book aims to attract the attention of intellectuals, civil society actors and policy makers on the importance of social, cultural, geopolitical, and historical features of the Euro-Mediterranean region. It also aims to discuss the special status of the Amazigh language and its integration in the fields of education and media in the Maghreb and immigration countries. The authors propose a scientific approach to develop and deepen the teaching of Amazigh language and its usage in the modern media.
The book equally discusses the outlook for the teaching of Amazigh language and produces an assessment of the results obtained in education and media in the Maghreb and Europe.
It argues that migration contributes to the development of Amazigh language and culture because the Amazigh language is taught in a few European countries and is used in the media, especially the Internet. However, current experiences suffer from shortcomings and are witnessing difficulties primarily related to the application of policies and measures on the ground. -
"Mother Tongue and Maghrebi Diaspora"
Edited by : Moha EnnajiThis book aims to draw the attention of intellectuals, actors of civil society and policy makers onto the social, cultural, historical, and geopolitical aspects of Maghrebi diaspora. It discusses mother tongues in the region and examines the political and cultural diversity in the host countries. It proposes alternatives to develop and deepen intercultural dialogue, tolerance and communication between the Maghreb and the rest of the world.
In addition to debating the various theories on postcolonial research, diaspora, multiculturalism, and cultural studies, the authors propose a rereading of Maghrebi literature in the diaspora, namely the literature written in Arabic, Amazigh, French, Spanish, Dutch, Spanish, and English.
Another objective of this book is to discuss the cultural plurality of the Maghreb and Europe as a chance for democracy and tolerance, and, for a reassessment of discourses on identity, migration, nation, gender, and culture. -
"Amazighité et Andalousie: Droit d'Appartenance et Hospitalité"
Edited by Moha EnnajiThis book of 250 pages, which consists of the proceedings of the conference organized in Fes in July 2013 within the framework of the festival of Amazigh culture, sheds light on the great contributions of Amazigh people to the history of Andalucia.
The book focuses on the historical and social significance of the Amazigh culture, and its role in the understanding of the history and enhancing of cultural exchange and coexistence. It aims to propose a homogeneous approach that will foster the strengthening of intercultural dialogue, social peace, and democratic culture.
The book shows that North Africa has always been an irreplaceable bridge between Europe and Africa, and that the relations between the two sides of the Mediterranean have always been rich and tense.
One of the goals of the book is to discuss the linguistic and cultural situation in the region, and deepen the debate on cultural diversity, particularly in the Maghreb and Andalucia. The book proposes alternatives able to develop dialogue between cultures, tolerance and constructive communication between the Maghreb and Europe. Authors examine the main cultural components of the Maghreb countries especially Arab and Amazigh, but also Jewish, Christian, Andalucian, Spanish and French components. -
Le Brassage de la culture amazighe et de la culture hassanie et leur relation avec les cultures sub-sahariennes(2016),
Dir. Moha EnnajiThis book is about the interchange of the Amazigh and Hassania cultures and their relation to Sub-Saharan Africa. It shows that both Amazigh and Hassania cultures, which are pillars of cultural diversity in Morocco and the Maghreb, have a great impact on the lifestyle of the population and on the customs and traditions of the whole society. This interchange between the different aspects of Moroccan and Maghrebi culture has created a symbiosis and a remarkable cultural wealth that characterizes today's region.
The book also sheds light on the positive impact that multiculturalism in general and the Amazigh-Hassania cultural dialogue in particular can have on democracy, sustainable development, and heritage preservation. It equally discusses the impact of these cultures on sub-saharan cultures and societies which have many similarities and carry the values of peace, dialogue and social cohesion.